
Graham works closely with VMware & Microsoft solutions. He is a VMware Certified Implementation Expert, 8x VMware vExpert & a VMware User Moderator on the official VMware VMTN forums. Feel free to reach out via Twitter or email:

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Stickers for vExperts – Thank you

Due to popular demand I have ordered another batch of SpaceX Falcon Heavy stickers. These are available for VMware vExperts (2017 or 2018) Why am I doing this? I thought that the Falcon Heavy Test Launch was really something special and I know many vExperts have the same feeling. This...

vSphere 6.7 – VMFS3 Datastores No Longer Supported

As of vSphere 6.7 VMware no longer supports VMFS version 3 datastores. If a vSphere ESXi 6.7 host mounts a VMFS3 datastore, it will be automatically upgraded to VMFS 5. This automatic upgrade process is in-line and does not impact the availability of virtual machines, however this upgrade process will...

VMware vSphere SSL Certficates – Easy as 1, 2, 3

This is a very quick post on the use of SSL certificates and vSphere. As of vSphere 6.0 and beyond VMware have provided a VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) which by default signs all vSphere SSL certificates (vCenter Server & ESXi) The VCSA is a Platform Services Controller feature, enabled by...
VMwareVMware CloudvSphere

Spectre & Meltdown on VMware – What you need to patch

Spectre & Meltdown are hot topics at the moment but how does this affect VMware solutions? VMware have provided detail on their stance on the situation via mostly two KB articles; & In summary this is what is covered: ESXi, Workstation & Fusion ESXi is affected by Spectre and patches...
vCommunityVMware vSAN

Win an Amazon Echo with VMware HOL & VMTN

For those who know me, you will know that I do some of the user moderation for the official VMware VMTN forums here: This month I was asked if I would be interested in moderating a new forum, the vSAN 6.6 Challenge Lab So what is this all about? The...
VMware Cloud

Building the Cloud with vCloud Director 9.0 – A-Z

Introduction to to vCD 9.0 The growth in cloud adoption is growing year on year. Last year figures of over 20% growth in IaaS alone are proving this. VMware's vCloud Director solution is therefore an obvious choice to provide IaaS to customers. This post series will detail the steps required...
VMware Cloud

vCloud Director Installation Part 1 – Database

This is part 1 of the vCD 9.0 Installation guide. In this section we will install the database required for vCD There are now 3 databases supported for vCD Oracle Microsoft SQL Server PostgreSQL This guide will focus on setting up a vCD database with PostgreSQL on CentOS 7, but...
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