

vSAN features by version & date

It's sometimes quite difficult to find out when a particular feature was released, or which product version is was fist available in. I've encountered this a few times recently and I have to go through all the release notes to get my answers. While doing this I put together this...

Win an Amazon Echo with VMware HOL & VMTN

For those who know me, you will know that I do some of the user moderation for the official VMware VMTN forums here: This month I was asked if I would be interested in moderating a new forum, the vSAN 6.6 Challenge Lab So what is this all about? The...

vSAN vs Traditional Storage Array

I've been putting notes together for a while with regards to vSAN and how it differs from Traditional Storage Arrays. Naturally, the choice between the two depends on your requirements but it's becoming obvious that the use cases for vSAN are growing on every release. Here are my quick overview...

VMware vSAN 6.5 & iSCSI Targets

It's true that VMware vSAN is getting more feature rich on each release. One interesting new feature of vSAN 6.5 is the iSCSI target service. In a nutshell you can now create iSCSI targets and LUNs on vSAN storage and present them to servers external to the vSAN cluster. Note...

How to see where VM data / objects are located on VSAN

Once you've deployed VSAN and built a couple of VMs, you might create a few Virtual Machine Storage Policies but then wonder where exactly are those VM objects located? Let's say you create a VM and use a Storage Policy with Failures To Tolerate (FTT) set to 1. You may wonder on which...

VMware vSAN – Career changer?

Since starting my career in technology, I've always had a keen interest in virtualization. Over time, the virtualization of other datacenter objects has become more common and affordable. vSphere, Horizon View, NSX to name a couple have assisted with this. More recently vSAN has seen a lot of growth. Duncan Epping @DuncanYB, tweets about this...