
Upgrading an Embedded VCSA PSC deployment to an External VCSA PSC deployment

This post if intended for those who have an Embedded PSC VCSA deployment and need to convert to an External PSC VCSA deployment.

  • First, you need to upgrade your Embedded VCSA to at least 6.0 Update 1.

upgrade embedded vcsa to vsphere 6.0 update 1

  • Next, deploy a new External PSC Appliance (or Windows Server version if required)
  • Set your Embedded PSC to replicate to the new External PSC.

deploy new external psc and replicate

  • Re-point your VC to the new External PSC. You need to use the reconfigure option in the cmsso-util CLI: vcsa:~ # cmsso-util reconfigure
  • Note that there is a big difference between repoint and reconfigure. You repoint your VCSA to another external PSC if your external PSC has failed for example. You reconfigure to change a VCSA from using an embedded PSC to an external PSC.

repoint vc to external psc

  • You now have a VCSA running your VC, connected to an External PSC

See this blog post for further details: http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2015/10/reconfiguring-and-repointing-deployment-models-in-vcenter-server-6-0-update-1.html

I also include some useful commands to check the PSC partner and replication status below:

Check replication status on PSCs

vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h localhost -u administrator -w P@ssw0rd123!

Show partners in SSO domain on PSCs
vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h psc1.lab.local -u administrator -w P@ssw0rd123!

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Graham works closely with VMware & Microsoft solutions. He is a VMware Certified Implementation Expert, 8x VMware vExpert & a VMware User Moderator on the official VMware VMTN forums. Feel free to reach out via Twitter @VirtualG.uk or email: contact@virtualg.uk

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