
Speed up your PowerShell scripts

PowerShell is a necessary part of your toolkit for anyone working on IT infrastructure. Over time your IT environment increases in size, scripts get more dependent upon and consequently need to run much faster. How can I  speed up my PowerShell Scripts? This is a common question, fortunately, with some...

vRetreat Virtual #6 with Cohesity and Progress

Last month I was fortunate to be invited to the first virtual #vRetreat of the year. This time we had both Cohesity and Progress presenting their technologies to us which was followed up by a fun round of VR games! Progress Software (LoadMaster + Flowmon) The event started with Mark...

Official VMware Visio Stencils & Icons for 2022

I have been writing documentation for some time but it has always bothered me that there has been no official Visio Stencils, or other Icons for the documentation of VMware solutions. There are some unofficial icon set sources out there and there are a few official product diagrams available but...

Coresuite – A M365 Management Solution

Anyone who's working on adopting cloud solutions knows that the management of such solutions can be a real challenge for enterprises. Recently I've discovered that there are comprehensive cloud management solutions that can remove a lot of the headaches associated with cloud adoption. In particular, CoreView offers an impressive Microsoft...

Cohesity Connect Global User Conference Starts Next Week

Cohesity are well known for their data management solutions. Cohesity not only provide excellent traditional backup and restore offerings but they go the extra mile, providing industry-leading ransomware protection and recovery solutions. This is all necessary for any organisation that takes its data security and integrity seriously. Keeping up to...
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