VMwareVMware Cloud

Comparing the VMware Hybrid Cloud Options

There is so much talk about cloud now, but what what really is "cloud" - In short, I prefer a definition/feature set along these lines: A public cloud should have the following: On-demand Self-service Pay as you go Single Pane of Glass Simplified Management So what does this all mean?...

Running PowerCLI / Powershell scripts as a scheduled task

From my last post about checking if your VMs are backed up with a PowerCLI script, I have been asked how to add this as a scheduled task. The answer is fairly simple. On a Windows Server at least (2012R2 in this example) Open Task Scheduler Select Task Scheduler Library...

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Stickers for vExperts – Thank you

Due to popular demand I have ordered another batch of SpaceX Falcon Heavy stickers. These are available for VMware vExperts (2017 or 2018) Why am I doing this? I thought that the Falcon Heavy Test Launch was really something special and I know many vExperts have the same feeling. This...

vSphere 6.7 – VMFS3 Datastores No Longer Supported

As of vSphere 6.7 VMware no longer supports VMFS version 3 datastores. If a vSphere ESXi 6.7 host mounts a VMFS3 datastore, it will be automatically upgraded to VMFS 5. This automatic upgrade process is in-line and does not impact the availability of virtual machines, however this upgrade process will...

VMware vSphere SSL Certficates – Easy as 1, 2, 3

This is a very quick post on the use of SSL certificates and vSphere. As of vSphere 6.0 and beyond VMware have provided a VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) which by default signs all vSphere SSL certificates (vCenter Server & ESXi) The VCSA is a Platform Services Controller feature, enabled by...
VMwareVMware CloudvSphere

Spectre & Meltdown on VMware – What you need to patch

Spectre & Meltdown are hot topics at the moment but how does this affect VMware solutions? VMware have provided detail on their stance on the situation via mostly two KB articles; https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/52245 & https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/52264 In summary this is what is covered: ESXi, Workstation & Fusion ESXi is affected by Spectre and patches...
vCommunityVMware vSAN

Win an Amazon Echo with VMware HOL & VMTN

For those who know me, you will know that I do some of the user moderation for the official VMware VMTN forums here: https://communities.vmware.com This month I was asked if I would be interested in moderating a new forum, the vSAN 6.6 Challenge Lab https://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/challenge-lab/vsan/overview So what is this all about? The...
VMware Cloud

Building the Cloud with vCloud Director 9.0 – A-Z

Introduction to to vCD 9.0 The growth in cloud adoption is growing year on year. Last year figures of over 20% growth in IaaS alone are proving this. VMware's vCloud Director solution is therefore an obvious choice to provide IaaS to customers. This post series will detail the steps required...
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