
vSphere is VMware’s cloud computing virtualization platform.


VCAP6-DCV Design Exam Preparation

For those pursuing the VCAP6-DCV Design exam  / 3V0-622 I'm creating a series of blog posts to help with your learning. The notes are all based on the official GA blueprint, my personal experience with the live exam, books and blog posts by other community members all of which I have acknowledged below. If...

VMware vSphere VCSA 6.0 – 503 service unavailable via Web Client

I experienced this issue in my lab this week and it turned out to be that the vmware-psc-client service had not started on my external PSC. I realized this by first checking the logs on the VCSA: SSH to the VCSA and run cat /var/log/vmware/vpxd Notice how there is some error connecting...

VMware vSphere 6.5 – VM Encryption

With threats to the Datacenter all to common, VMware have provided an option to encrypt VMs. This not only helps deal with unauthorized external access but internally also. As of vSphere 6.5, there is full support for VM encryption. This includes the VMDKs and VM files such as the VMX....

Choosing the right CPU for your ESXi servers

When designing your Virtualization infrastructure, one very important consideration is to the processors that you spec your ESXi hypervisors with. I find that reviewing following points help with this challenge: Determine cost vs performance? What compatibility do you need? Are there any specific features that you require? Cost vs Performance You...

When does VMware support end? (EOL for VMware Products)

Ever wondered when VMware stop supporting certain versions of vCenter Server / ESXi or in fact, any VMware product? Check out the VMware product lifecycle matrix here. Also review this page or the excerpt below for terminology General Support Phase The General Support phase begins on the date of general...
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